Registration for all programs/events that require registration can be done online or in person.
From this page, click on PROGRAMS at the top bar
From the drop down menu, you can either click on the category of program, if you know, or you can click on ALL to see the full list of current registrations
Click on the blue name of the program/event you would like to register for to see more information.
From this page, you can click on REGISTER to register
Or click on the green button REGISTER NOW to register immediately
Once you click on REGISTER/REGISTER NOW, it will take you to the login page.
This login is different than your city utilities account.
If you don't have an account, click on the blue button CREATE NEW ACCOUNT
If you have an account, but don't remember your login information, click on FORGOT PASSWORD?
If you don't have login information, but it doesn't let you make a new account because it says your email is in use, please contact the Parks and Recreation Dept. This probably means you registered online for something in the past so you have a profile, but you don't have the login information to access it on your own. It is a simple, quick reset once you contact the Parks and Recreation Dept.
If you make a new account, you will receive an automated email from our registration system, RecDesk, stating you have made a profile.
Once you login, please check to be sure that your profile information is correct. You can view your profile by clicking on the silhouette icon in the top right corner of the webpage, by the shopping cart icon.
Please verify your contact information is correct and update it, if needed.
Follow the prompts to fill out the program registration information. All questions with a * are required.
Once you have filled out the program information, including filling out all forms, proceed to checkout.
Even if the program does not have a fee, you MUST continue all the way throughout checkout to submit your registration!
Once you complete registration, you will receive an automated email from our registration system, RecDesk, with a confirmation email/your receipt. If you do not receive this email, your registration was not submitted! This email is separate than the email you will get when you make a new profile.
If you have questions at any point, please contact the Parks and Recreation Dept! It is very easy for us to verify you have properly registered and that is better than you worrying about your registration or your registration not being properly submitted!
Visit Ivins City Hall (85 N Main St) and get a paper application. If there is a fee, you will need to take the completed form and your payment to the front counter.