Red Rock Canyon Park
Located at approximately Red Rock Drive (490 South) and 720 East.
Red Rock Canyon is a 3.7-acre park perfect for neighborhood gatherings. This park provides a great place for an afternoon picnic with family, a friendly game of sand volleyball or a walk along the Red Rock Canyon Trail.
Del Coronado Park
Located at 500 South and 100 East.
Del Coronado Park is a .30-acre mini-park designed to provide a quality playground and picnic area for children and families who live in the neighborhood. This quiet park is a perfect destination for an afternoon walk, a swing on the swing set or climbing over the playground equipment.
Megan Fitness Course
Located at Center Street and 400 East (on south side of Center Street).
Megan Fitness Course is the spot for fitness enthusiasts of all levels of experience to get their workout in while enjoying some fresh air. The course is an example of the commitment of Ivins' community to healhty living. Because of its adjacency to a busy traffic corridor, we discourage children from using the facilities unless supervised by an adult.
Abbey Gale Park
Located at 100 North Tuacahn Drive
Abbey Gale Park is a 14-acre bike and pedestrian neighborhood park along the Tuacahn Wash. Travel along the path to get a beautiful view of the area and enjoy the peaceful water feature. Where the paved trail ends, a natural trail continues north into Snow Canyon State Park.
Ivins City Park
Ivins City Park can be found in the heart of Ivins, directly behind City Hall and the Public Safety Department. Encompassing 4.7-acres, Ivins City Park is the oldest of all Parks in Ivins. This historic park hosts many community events, such as Pioneer Day and Heritage Days. It is ideal for family reunions, picnics and smaller parties. The west pavilion can comfortably seat 150 people and the east pavilion can accommodate 100.
UNITY Park lives up to the acronym; it certainly is the place for Uniting Neighbors (of) Ivins Together Yearround. UNITY Park is a 12-acre multi-use community park for both active and passive outdoor activities. When looking for a lighted tennis court to play at, a splash pad to cool off in, a place to skate or a football game to watch, UNITY Park is the spot to go.
Desert Rose Park
Mojave Estates Park
Mojave Estates is a neighborhood mini park perfect for kids to play at after school, with a small grassy field for kids to get their wiggles out.
Existing amenities: grassy field
Rocky Point Park
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Existing amenities: paved trail, benches.